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            Thank you for taking an interest in this open style tournament.  The goal of this tournament is to expose students to new styles, new people, new ideas, and broaden our view of the martial arts.              Since I expect to have several different martial arts styles represented I wanted to make sure each school understands the rules of competition, and how judging will be conducted.

            The purpose of this tournament is to expand the martial arts network and family.  To give our students the experience that comes with winning, losing, and competing to help them grow as a person.  For everyone to have fun, and go home SAFE.  At the end of the day we want everyone to be a better martial artist than they were when the day started.

            Please spend some time looking at the information that follows and explain to your students.  If you have any questions please reach out to me at  If you’d like to schedule a time for me to do a presentation or “work shop” with your school I will do my absolute best to make that happen.


General Conduct

  • All competitors will wear full traditional uniform with belt. 

    • You will not be allowed to compete in street clothes.

  • Black Belts are expected to be in full uniform, and are expected to help judge.

  • Sportsmanship and Courtesy are expected at all times, from all Competitors, Judges, and Spectators.

  • Safety is paramount.  Do not walk through competition rings.  Be mindful of your surroundings.

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